Sermon Discussion John 1:6-8
Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his Word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 1:6-8, you can view online here:
John 1:6-8 Discussion Questions:
TPQ (Thought Provoking Question) – If you were going to serve on a jury in a court case, what qualites would you look for in a witness?
Pastor Aaron said in his sermon that John the Baptist was the prophet that connected the Old Testament to the New Testament. John 1:8 A simple definition of a prophet is someone sent by God to testify (speak, witness, proclaim) his word to his people. Who are some prophets that come to mind and how did they testify God’s word?
(If you’re leading a discussion, feel free to highlight one of the following prophets.)
Moses – Read Exodus 3 and 4.
Calling: 3:10
Response: 3:11, 4:1, 4:10, 4:13, 4:20
Result: 4:31
Jeremiah – Jeremiah 1.
Calling: 1:4-5
Response: 1:6
Result: 40 years of persevering preaching (with only 2 converts!)
Peter – John 21 (take note of the setting; specifically the location and people present)
Why do you think Peter says, “I am going fishing.”
Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him, why?
Regardless of the different Greek verbs used for love, how does Peter respond to Jesus’ questioning?
As an under-shepherd, how can Peter ultimately demonstrate his love for Jesus? How can we ultimately demonstrate our love for Jesus?
In light of John 20:21, who has Jesus sent you to? (If you’re unsure, pray and ask him to reveal people.)
Pastor Aaron mentioned his passion for Qdoba, do the people God has sent you to know your passions? How might you be able to identify with Jesus to these people? What opportunities are there to invite them into your community (or how can you invite your community in their lives?)
When it comes to sharing the gospel:
How have you responded in fear?
How have you responded in faith?
What are some ways we can grow in sharing our faith? Be specific.
A few suggestions to close your time:
Read Romans 10:8-17
Pray specifically for those God has sent you to.
Send a encouraging thank you note (text, email, phone call) to the one God sent to bear witness in your life
Next Sunday’s passage: John 1:9-13