The Crossing is built on two pillars, Sunday Gatherings and Life Groups. We believe that involvement in both of these contexts is essential for us to be who we are called to be as the Body of Christ. Our Life Groups are not simply weekly meetings or weekly Bible studies. They are smaller communities of people, centered on the Gospel, living life together on mission to make disciples of Jesus. Our Life Groups function like growing and multiplying families where we can grow together as followers of Jesus, learning to apply the gospel to every aspect of our lives. Our Life Groups are built around four values:
Gospel Growth: Our desire is that the Gospel would fuel us to become more and more like Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 3:18). This is what the Bible calls sanctification. It is the progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our individual lives and as a community.
Fellowship: Our desire is to be a people who participate in the gospel with one another. It is more than just a social club or Bible study group; it is a group of people walking through life together while applying the gospel to everyday life. (1 Thess 2:8).
Service: God has given each one of us gifts to build up the body of Christ (Eph 4:1-16). Our desire is for everyone to be using the gifts God has given them to bless one another so that we can be a picture of Jesus to each other and to the world around us. We envision this type of service happening most dynamically in our Life Groups.
Mission: Our desire is to live out the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) in our neighborhoods and other relational circles. Each Life Group looks to bless the community as we live out the gospel in Fort Collins. The ultimate goal of our mission is to glorify God by multiplying disciples, life groups, and churches throughout our community, our region, and the world.
If you are interested in plugging in to a Life Group, contact one of the leaders below or send us an email, and we’ll get you connected. We also have connect cards in the foyer next to the map.