Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the Glory of God and the Joy of His people.
We believe that gospel-centered communities are the best environments for discipleship. Therefore, our approach is to multiply gospel-centered communities by equipping people to make disciples who make disciples, start Life Groups that start new Life Groups, and plant churches that plant new churches.
We keep our structure simple and streamlined so that we can focus on people and not programs. All of our structures exist to aid our mission and vision to multiply disciple-making communities. Sunday Gatherings and Life Groups are the two pillars of our community. All other structures exist to supplement growth and training.
Sunday Gatherings: Each week, The Crossing gathers to worship corporately through prayer, fellowship, singing, preaching, and communion. Everything we do in our Sunday Gatherings is centered on the Gospel, saturated with the Word, dependent on the Spirit, and fueled by prayer.
Life Groups: Life Groups are not merely weekly Bible Studies. They are gospel-centered communities living life together on mission to make disciples. They are like growing families committed to gospel-centered growth, fellowship, service, and mission. Each Life Group has the expectation of growing and multiplying to create new Life Groups.
Belong: This is a 2 week class to introduce new folks to our church structure and culture. We spend time diving deep into the gospel, what is the church and how it should function. We also take time to explain what it means to 'belong' to the Crossing and how to become a Covenant Partner.
Man School, The Ladies of the Crossing (TLC), & Students: These are supplemental gatherings to help men, women and students be encouraged toward growth as a man or woman of God. They provide a welcoming context to connect unbelievers and un-churched people to the community of faith. Also, these gatherings allow for men, women and teens from different Life Groups continue to build relationships with one another.
Equip: A training regimen that provides theological and practical training for our church body and future leaders. Equip is offered through a variety of seminars throughout the year. We have a set of ‘core seminars’ taught by the pastoral team as well as a handful seminars taught by qualified men and women within our church body.
Invest: A custom fit training program to train those in our church body to invest their gifts into the building up of the body of Christ.
PLI: Pastor Leadership Institute is a multiple year program to train and prepare men who aspire to the office of elder.
Our goal is to equip every member of our body to be co-laborers who are making disciples and building up the church, especially in the context of their Life Groups.
Each Life Group should be a growing family where discipleship is a way of life. The goal is to build up one another while living as a community on mission to spread the gospel.
As Life Groups grow in size and spiritual maturity, they multiply. The goal is to saturate Northern Colorado with communities of people worshipping Jesus and living on mission in their contexts.
As we continue to multiply Life Groups throughout the region, we will raise up leaders and pastors to establish new churches (both locally and in other regions) to advance the mission to make disciples.