Sermon Discussion John 1:35-51

Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his Word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 1:35-51 you can view online here:
In this passage, we’re reminded of two pillars in Jesus’ ministry:

  • ‘Come and see’
  • ‘Go and tell’

Come & See—

Jesus asks the followers of John “what are you seeking?” (what do you want?) and they answer back with their own question “where are you staying?”. Christ invites them to “come and see”, to follow Him and live and learn.

Q: are there questions I bring when I consider following Jesus? Do these questions draw me to Him or draw me away from him?

Aaron shared his experience of having his mom die suddenly years ago and how this could’ve drawn his family away from Christ but instead it drew them closer. And Rita observed all this and saw the depth of their faith.

Q: who is in your life, watching you and observing your relationship with Christ? How are they drawn to ‘Come & See’ who Jesus is?

Go & Tell—

We see these first followers (Andrew, Philip) telling their friends/family about Jesus and leading them to Him.

Q: when is the last time you told someone about Jesus and who He is to you? Who can you be talking with about Jesus?

Jesus interacts with Nathanael, revealing His knowledge of Nathaniel (and His knowing what was probably Nathanael’s secret place). Nathanael responds with acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ.

Jesus tells him that He is the connecting point between heaven and earth. We all have a ministry to let others know who Christ is and that He is the bridge between heaven & earth.

Q: who are you in relationship with that needs to know who Christ is and that He is our bridge to the Father? Perhaps God is using you as a bridge as well. Discuss how this might be?


John Memory Verses:

Next Week’s Passage:

John 2:1-12




Sunday Gathering, January 29th


Sunday Gathering, January 22nd