Sunday Gathering 08.27.2017 (check out textual criticism link!)
The purpose of this blog post is to help The Crossing church engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that will be preached as well as the songs we will sing during our Sunday Gathering.
Here are a three simple ways you can prepare your heart:
1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family and/or friends.
2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.
3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing church in powerful ways!
Worship through the Word:
Many of our English translations of the New Testament mention (or have a footnote) that John 7:53-8:11 is not in the earliest manuscripts. Because of this, we won’t be preaching through John 7:53-8:11. However, we do believe this is a story that most likely happened during Jesus’ ministry. There is much to say about this area of scholarship called ‘textual criticism’ and why we can trust our bibles. Pastor Aaron will briefly explain our reasons why we won’t be preaching this spurious text at our Sunday Gathering. If you would like to learn more, you can listen/read this message on this particular text and topic of textual criticism.
Worship through Singing: