Sermon Discussion - John 16:16-33

Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 16:16-33 you can view it online here:

TPQ - Thought Provoking Question: l shared about the triumphant story of Eric Liddell (and Chariots of Fire) where he stood firm to his biblical convictions amidst pressure from those around him. Can you think of other stories of someone overcoming adversity for a triumphant victory?

A Difficult Departure - v. 16-22

What kind of thoughts and emotions do you think the disciples are experiencing as Jesus is concluding this upper room discourse? How does Jesus use this as a teachable moment?

For those who have experienced child birth - please share your journey of the emotions before and after the child was born. (Follow up question after people share, what made the biggest difference in the change of emotion?) Drill home the point that when the resurrection occurs, Jesus' disciples will see that he's overcome the world and they will have fullness of joy.

What is joy - how would you define it? (gladness, cheerfulness - calm delight) Here is a link to the bible project video on joy.

I mentioned in the sermon that joy is an attitude - not based on subjective circumstances but on objective truth of what God has done for us in Christ. Psalm 118:24 is an example. Can you think of other bible verses/passages that highlight this idea of our emotions follow the truth of God? (Psalm 42:5; 64:9-10; John 16:33; Phil. 4:4-7)

Often times as Christians, we don't feel joy. What in your life tends to rob you of your joy? (Circumstances, relationships, material things) I mentioned that next time you notice your feelings are in the driver seat of your life and decisions, ask yourself a simple question - do you remember that question? (What is true right now? And more specifically what is true about the gospel that speaks to this situation?)

What truths of the gospel do we need to know AND believe to prevent our joy from being robbed? How can we practically apply gospel truth to situations in order to have our feelings in the right order? How can our Life Group help this process?

Direct Access to the Father - v. 23-27

Why do we pray in Jesus name? (Who's merit?)

I shared a story of God showing his love for me way before I ever loved him. (Truth preceded emotions!) - Who can you share the love of Christ with in your circle of influence? What are some steps you'd like to take in that process? (pray, introduce to community, scatter night, Easter Sunday invite)

Take Heart - Christ has overcome the world v28-33

Where right now is the world bringing tribulation in your life? Spend some time in passages like 2 Corinthians 4:5-18 and Romans 8:31-39 - How does the truth of Christ conquering on our behalf encourage you to take heart, have peace, rejoice in the face of tribulation?


Next Sunday's passage will be on John 17. Take some time to read, mediate and pray over this text. You can pray for yourself, our pastors and our church body.





Sunday Gathering 03.25.2018 Palm Sunday


Sunday Gathering 01.28.2018