Church Body Church Body

"I Will Build My Church"

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus makes this incredible statement, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Over the past year, we have seen this promise working out in and through The Crossing. Jesus is at work, and nothing can stop Him!

We launched in March with about 25 people meeting in the Santini’s livingroom.

For the rest of the Spring we met at Registry Ridge Club House, and Jesus continued to build His Church through the Crossing.

Throughout the Summer, Fall and Winter, God continued to bless The Crossing with growing community of amazing people. This last picture is from last Sunday (February 27).

Join us in thanking God for the great things He has done and is doing for His Glory in and through The Crossing.

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Church Body Church Body

Resources, Photos & Online Giving

Additional Resources:

As we continue to finalize and tweak the website, we’ve added a Recommended Reading page to compliment our Online Resources. Use these pages to find websites, ministries and books that we recommend as great resources to help us as we strive to live our lives in a manner worthy of the Gospel.

Photo Albums:

All of our Photo Albums have been added to the website which can be accessed under the Resources menu and from the rotating gallery on the homepage. We will continue to upload new photos to our website and Facebook for sharing.

Online Giving:

We’ve also implemented the ability to give tithes and offerings safely and securely online through Google Checkout as a supplement to go along with the giving box at the Sunday Gathering service. The Online Giving page is accessible under the Resources menu.

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