Church Body Church Body

Get Church "Announcements" in Your Email

I know a lot of people don’t regularly think about checking the website to see new announcements, so to make it super easy, I’ve added email subscriptions. Only if an announcement post is made on the blog will subscribers receive an email with the announcement. In order to receive announcements and blog posts in your email, click “Get Announcements in Email“ (which is also on the main menu shown to the left) and then fill in your email address in the email field and click “subscribe”.
You will receive a confirmation email in which you will need to click a link to verify your subscription. You will only receive an email if we make an announcement / blog post. You will only see one email per day maximum with all announcements that we posted that day. If no announcements were made, you won’t receive any email.

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Church Body Church Body

SUNDAY SERVICE CHANGE: 11am @ Fossil Creek Park

We will be having a “Praise in the Park” Sunday Gathering Service on 8-29-2010. Please join us at Fossil Creek Park at 11:00 AM for communion, fellowship, and lunch. We will NOT be meeting at Harmony School. The church will provide hot dogs, burgers and drinks. Families please bring a side dish. Young Pro’s and college students bring potato chips or dessert.

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Church Body Church Body

How to Fight against the Pull of the World

In a world full of God-ignoring philosophies, how can we remember who we really are in Christ?  How can we actively fight against the pull of the world that begs for us to ignore God and focus on the things that will fade away?  Listen to this less-than-2-minute excerpt from a sermon John Piper preached on “How Aliens Keep the Identity of Their Homeland”. [audio:|titles=How Aliens Keep the Identity of Their Homeland – John Piper]

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Church Body Church Body

What Is the Bible Basically About?

The Bible is a big Book, comprised of sixty-six smaller books, written over the course of 2,000 years by a diverse group of people. At times it seems difficult to understand how it all fits together. The video below is an excerpt from a message where Tim Keller explains what the Bible is basically about.

Click HERE to download the full message.

HT: Collin Hansen

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Church Body Church Body

Resources, Photos & Online Giving

Additional Resources:

As we continue to finalize and tweak the website, we’ve added a Recommended Reading page to compliment our Online Resources. Use these pages to find websites, ministries and books that we recommend as great resources to help us as we strive to live our lives in a manner worthy of the Gospel.

Photo Albums:

All of our Photo Albums have been added to the website which can be accessed under the Resources menu and from the rotating gallery on the homepage. We will continue to upload new photos to our website and Facebook for sharing.

Online Giving:

We’ve also implemented the ability to give tithes and offerings safely and securely online through Google Checkout as a supplement to go along with the giving box at the Sunday Gathering service. The Online Giving page is accessible under the Resources menu.

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Church Body Church Body

New Website for The Crossing

We hope this website can better serve you and meet the needs of our Church body. News, updates and events will be posted here on the “blog” portion as well as announced on the homepage. New features include an automated way to subscribe to our mailing lists, submit prayer requests and coming soon: online giving.

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