Sunday Gathering, January 22nd

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

John 1:35-51

Worship through Singing:

The Church’s One Foundation Rock of Ages (Ascend the Hill) Crown Him (Majesty) Oh My Soul Arise Before the Throne of God – (Shane & Shane)

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Church Body Church Body

Sermon Discussion - John 1:19-34

Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his Word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 1:19-34, you can view online here:

Pastor Aaron opened his sermon with the legacy questions of, “how will people remember you? & what will be the testimony of your life?” Potential TPQ’s (Thought Provoking Questions) could be: How would you answer those questions honestly? Have you given much thought to what you would want shared, sung and preached at your funeral?


In the sermon, Pastor Aaron mentioned that some of us can feel the weight and responsibility of saving people. While we might not confess that outright, our underlying motivations and actions towards sharing the gospel might paint a different picture. A few questions here:

  • Why is it a liberating truth that we are called to be the testifier and not the savior?
  • How have you seen yourself try to be the savior (or play the role of the Holy Spirit) as you shared the gospel with someone? Thoughtful honesty is helpful here!
  • What type of testifier might you be? (bearing witness to a historical Jesus, a refreshment from a bad experience in religious circles, a non threatening person someone can ask questions to)

“Behold, The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” – John 1:29b

  • What are deep truths of Christ’s sacrifice can you behold this week?
    • Romans 3:25, Heb 2:17, 1 John 2:2, 4:10, 1 Peter 2:24, 3:18

  • Can you think of some of the OT shadows that were fulfilled in Christ being the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?
    • Gen 22:8, Isaiah 53:7, Lev 14:25, 16:15-22
    • Revelation 5:6-13, 7:17, 21:22-23, 22:1-3


  • Do people connect your life with Jesus? Not with a church, or that you’re a religious/morally good person but are you connected primarily with Jesus?
  • Relational Evangelism Circles – where you live, work, and play!
    • Identify 3 people in each of these circles.
    • Pray for them often (daily, every other day, weekly at your Life Group or Journey Group.)
    • Identify one way you can bring someone from your community into their life.
    • Trust the Lord to share the gospel with them this winter (and think practically how you might do that.)


John Memory Verses:

  • John 1:1
  • John 1:14
  • John 1:29

Next week’s passage:

  • John 1:35-51


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Sunday Gathering, January 15th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

John 1:19-34

Worship through Singing:

The Church’s One Foundation Rock of Ages (Ascend the Hill) Crown Him (Majesty) Oh My Soul Arise Before the Throne of God – (Shane & Shane)

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Church Body Church Body

Sermon Discussion - Philippians 1:3-11

Hey discussion leaders! There should be more than enough here for a discussion to get going, so feel free to pick and choose whichever ones stand out the most to you. Hope it’s a blessing.
Thought provoking question:

When something difficult enters your life, are you more prone to act first and ask questions along the way, or are you someone who spends a lot of time contemplating your next move?

Similarly, when difficulty enters your life, are you more prone towards prayer or towards distancing yourself from God? Has there ever been a circumstance in your life that was difficult at the time but you are thankful for it now?

In the sermon, love was defined thusly: “the overflow and expansion of joy in God that meets the needs of others.” What do you think of this definition?

Assuming this definition is correct, when Paul prays for our love to abound more and more, how would that look? Read Philippians 2:1-11 and discuss the above definition and Paul’s prayer in light of that.

Does your joy in God compel you to serve others? Why, why not? How do you think The Crossing is doing at experiencing joy in God and love for others? Where can we improve?

Think through Paul’s sequence of how his prayer unfolds from abounding love (v.9) culminating in the glory and praise of God (v.11). How do you understand these parts relating to each other? Describe the difference between mere knowledge about God and knowing God. How do you read the Bible in such a way to ensure that you are getting to know God, and not merely facts about him?

For the above question, here are some reminders on definitions:

  • Knowledge is epignōsis, meaning knowledge from experience.
  • Discernment is aisthēsis, meaning moral clarity, seeing things the way God sees them
  • Approve what is excellent indicates choosing the best of several good options
  • Purity/sincerity is eilikrinēsmeaning purity of motivation, not self-seeking
  • Blameless is aproskoposmeaning not causing others to stumble
  • Rigteousness, in the case of Philippians 1:11, indicates practical righteousness

In the sermon, the three things needed for the fruit of righteousness were to be planted, to be pruned, and to know the love of the Gardener. Read John 15:1-5 and discuss how planting, pruning, and love help us grow.

At the end of the sermon, it was argued that God’s act of love toward us was seen at the end of verse 11, “to the glory and praise of God.” Why would God need to be glorified? How does God’s glory relate to our love (this is similar to the above sequence question)?

Read the following quote and discuss how it relates to the above definition of love:

“God is the one being for whom self-exaltation is the most loving act, because he is exalting for us what alone can satisfy us fully and forever. If we exalt ourselves, we are not loving, because we distract people from the one Person who can make them happy forever, God. But if God exalts himself, he draws attention to the one Person who can make us happy forever, himself. He is not an egomaniac. He is an infinitely glorious, all-satisfying God, offering us everlasting and supreme joy in himself.” (John Piper)

Unbelievers are capable of doing all sorts of loving things, but in the sermon it was stated: “If you look into the heart of God and don’t see his love for you, then you will never be able to joyfully go out and genuinely love and serve other people.” What would distinguish Christian love from love expressed in service by unbelievers?

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Church Body Church Body

Sunday Gathering, Jan. 8th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Philippians 1:3-11

Worship through Singing:

10,000 Reasons How Deep the Father’s Love for Us The Solid Rock Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery Jesus I My Cross Have Taken

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Church Body Church Body

Sermon Discussion - John 1:9-13

We’re continuing in the Advent season with week 4. Here are this week’s sermon discussion questions from Rich’s sermon on John 1:9-13.

TPQ: is there a particular gift you can remember getting at Christmas that, not long after you got it, you lost interest in it. Maybe it was a ‘fad’ gift like we see every year. Why do you think we look to things for a sense of fulfillment?

Fads may come & go, but the birth of Jesus impacted the world in a way like no other. Thus, we’re forced to consider who He was and why He was born. The gospel writer compels us to ask what we believe about Jesus.

John earlier called Jesus the Word; now he calls Jesus the Light. He uses the image of light in darkness and harkens back to Isaiah 9.

Jesus is the True Light and His light is exhaustive. It is a light that both exposes and illuminates. His light shows us who we are in the dark, our own sinfulness. We’re also shown the elements of this dark world: acts of terror, sickness, despair.

Jesus was not recognized or acknowledged, even though he was the source of all that is. The world has missed who He is ever since. Even His own people didn’t see Him or receive Him as their expected messiah.

Q: why do you think people don’t recognize Jesus for who He is today? What gets in the way?

The Light of Christ not only reveals who we are and who He is, it also guides us. Through Him, we’re shown the way of belief to become children of God. This is a gift given to us by God. It’s not a natural, manipulated process; it is a reality that originates from God, a birth where He is the father.

Q: what difference does it make that being a child of God is His doing rather than ours?

Q: John makes a point of saying that this also involves our own belief. What keeps people from believing, in 2016 America? How might we help nonbelievers bridge the gap of unbelief through our own relationship with them?

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Church Body Church Body

Sermon Discussion John 1:6-8

Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his Word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 1:6-8, you can view online here:
John 1:6-8 Discussion Questions:

TPQ (Thought Provoking Question) – If you were going to serve on a jury in a court case, what qualites would you look for in a witness?

Pastor Aaron said in his sermon that John the Baptist was the prophet that connected the Old Testament to the New Testament. John 1:8 A simple definition of a prophet is someone sent by God to testify (speak, witness, proclaim) his word to his people. Who are some prophets that come to mind and how did they testify God’s word?

(If you’re leading a discussion, feel free to highlight one of the following prophets.)

Moses – Read Exodus 3 and 4.

Calling: 3:10

Response: 3:11, 4:1, 4:10, 4:13, 4:20

Result: 4:31

Jeremiah – Jeremiah 1.

Calling: 1:4-5

Response: 1:6

Result: 40 years of persevering preaching (with only 2 converts!)

Peter – John 21 (take note of the setting; specifically the location and people present)

Why do you think Peter says, “I am going fishing.”

Jesus asks Peter 3 times if he loves him, why?

Regardless of the different Greek verbs used for love, how does Peter respond to Jesus’ questioning?

As an under-shepherd, how can Peter ultimately demonstrate his love for Jesus? How can we ultimately demonstrate our love for Jesus?


In light of John 20:21, who has Jesus sent you to? (If you’re unsure, pray and ask him to reveal people.)

Pastor Aaron mentioned his passion for Qdoba, do the people God has sent you to know your passions? How might you be able to identify with Jesus to these people? What opportunities are there to invite them into your community (or how can you invite your community in their lives?)

When it comes to sharing the gospel:

How have you responded in fear?

How have you responded in faith?

What are some ways we can grow in sharing our faith? Be specific.

A few suggestions to close your time:

Read Romans 10:8-17

Pray specifically for those God has sent you to.

Send a encouraging thank you note (text, email, phone call) to the one God sent to bear witness in your life


Next Sunday’s passage: John 1:9-13


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Church Body, Worship Church Body, Worship

Sunday Gathering, Dec.11th Advent

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

John 1:6-8

Worship through Singing:

Joy To The World Hark, The Herald Angels Sing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen What Child Is This When Love Came Down to Earth

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John 1:1-5 Follow Up Discussion

Here’s a few sermon discussion questions to help our church love God by applying his Word to our lives. Feel free to use these questions for personal reflection, alongside your family, within a smaller discipleship/journey group, or even within the context of your Life Group. If you missed Sunday’s sermon from John 1:1-5, you can view online here:

John 1:1-5  Discussion Questions:

TPQ (Thought Provoking Question):  In his sermon this past Sunday, Aaron described a scene in a dark cave. Where’s the darkest place you’ve ever been? (a cave, a rural road, camping on a mountain, etc.)  How did you react to such literal darkness?   As we begin to look at this passage in John’s gospel, we’ll see how the apostle John contrasts light & darkness.

1.  In verse 1, John uses wording that calls to mind the opening verses in Genesis (In the beginning…). How does this set the tone for the rest of this passage? Why does he want to harken us back to Genesis when he’s about to tell us about the ministry of Jesus in first century Palestine?  How does Christ as “the Word” connect with the creation account in Genesis?

2.  John goes on to tell us some things about this Word (Jesus).  Pastor Aaron brought out 5 characteristics or roles of the Word in these 5 verses. Can you identify them and share a little about the significance of each one?

>> The Word (Jesus) is:

Eternal-  John points to Genesis 1 and a new creation, but a story older than time.

Personal-  Jesus was with God, in relationship. ‘face to face’. Points to the Trinity

God (divine)-  Jesus being not just like God, but God Himself. We’ll see this unpacked in the 7 ‘I am’ statements.
Q:  what difference does it make to you that Jesus is God?

Creator-  Jesus created all things and He Himself was not created. He is the source & the force behind all creation. (cf Col 1:15-17)

Life & Light-  Jesus is the essence of spiritual life & glory that overcomes sin. The darkness has no power or means to overcome or to vanquish the light.

3. How does this knowledge about Jesus affect the way you see Him and act toward Him? Why does John think it’s important for us to know these things about Jesus from the very start of his gospel account

4.  Christ is the source of all light & life. Where else do you & I look for ‘life’ rather than in Him? What about non-believers; where do they look for ‘life’ this time of year? How can we, with the knowledge of Who the true Life really is, where pure Light really defeats darkness, how can we connect with those who are searching for life & light? This week? This season? Be specific.


For further reflection on the Trinity:

Here’s a great graphic explaining the trinity:

Here’s an article for further reading on the great doctrine of the Trinity:

How does our view of “1 God, manifested in 3 distinct person’s” challenge your thinking? How does this view of God differ from other religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses?



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Sunday Gathering, December 4th Advent

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

John 1:1-5

Worship through Singing:

Joy To The World Hark, The Herald Angels Sing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen What Child Is This When Love Came Down to Earth

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Church Body, Worship Church Body, Worship

Sunday Gathering, Nov. 27th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Micah 5:1-5

Worship through Singing:

Come Praise & Glorify Man of Sorrows Great Are You Lord I Will Rise Cornerstone

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Church Body, Worship Church Body, Worship

Sunday Gathering, Nov. 20th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Acts 2:42-47

Worship through Singing:

Come Praise & Glorify Man of Sorrows Great Are You Lord I Will Rise Cornerstone

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Church Body, Worship Church Body, Worship

Sunday Gathering, Nov. 13th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Psalm 133

Worship through Singing:

Come Praise & Glorify Man of Sorrows Great Are You Lord I Will Rise Cornerstone

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Sunday Gathering, Nov. 5th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Romans 13:1-7

Worship through Singing:

Our Great God You Have Searched Me I Have A Shelter Grace Alone After All (Holy)

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Church Body, Worship Church Body, Worship

Sunday Gathering, Oct. 30

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Judges 17-21

Worship through Singing:

The Church’s One Foundation Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery I Stand Amazed In Christ Alone Nothing But the Blood

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Sunday Gathering, October 9th

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Judges 13:1-25

Worship through Singing:

Doxology It is Well Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery It is Finished Beautiful King Forevermore

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Sunday Gathering, October 2nd

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Judges 10-12

Worship through Singing:

Holy, Holy, Holy You Have Searched Me I Will Glory In My Redeemer In Christ Alone Oh My Soul Aris

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Sunday Gathering, August 21st

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Judges 3:7-31

Worship through Singing:

Holy, Holy, Holy You Have Searched Me I Will Glory In My Redeemer In Christ Alone Oh My Soul Aris

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Sunday Gathering, Starting book of Judges

Here is our weekly blog that we post in hopes of helping those coming to The Crossing’s Sunday Gathering to engage and prepare our hearts to worship King Jesus. We will highlight the Scripture that we will preach on as well as the songs we will be singing.

Here are a three simple ways to prepare your heart:

1) Read through and meditate on the text that will be preached that Sunday with your family or friends.

2) Sing, listen or read through some of the song lyrics that we will sing together and ask God to grow and strengthen our faith and understanding of Him through them.

3) Pray for God to reveal Himself to you and the The Crossing in powerful ways!

Worship through the Word:

Judges 1:1-2:23

Worship through Singing:

All Creatures of Our God and King Abide With Me Psalm 62 The Church’s One Foundation Come Thou Fount

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