Family Housing Network


Faith Family Hospitality


Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

Volunteer Roles Sign Up Sheet Role Checklists Resources

The Family Housing Network (FHN) is a ministry that serves our community by "supporting families experiencing homelessness to achieve sustainable self-sufficiency in a timely and dignified manner." As a church body, we are partnering specifically with their overnight program, historically called Faith Family Hospitality (FFH). The Crossing's purpose in being involved in this ministry is to show the love of Christ by specifically meeting the physical needs of these families in our community. When we are generous with the material blessings that the Lord has given to us, we also share His care and compassion. The hope is that this generosity can lead to opportunities for us or other volunteers in the program to share Christ with someone who is impacted by the program providing for their needs.

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’"


What does hosting FFH look like specifically for us? 

  • The program includes 1-4 families at a time (max 15 people).

  • The families arrive at The Crossing between 5-6pm each evening.

  • We feed them a hot dinner.

  • Each family is given one of our classroom as their overnight “home” for the week where they can store their belongings during the day and shelter their family overnight. They are provided with mattresses, bedding, and towels.

  • In the morning, we offer them coffee, cold breakfast, and sandwich supplies.

  • The families all leave by 7am each morning. Some go to work or errands, others go to the FHN Day Center where they have access to showers, laundry facilities, a kitchen, and computers.

FHN staff screens, counsels and mentors each family in many ways. These families are like many of us, just with a lot more trauma in their past. They all have kids, mainly young kids and some are single moms. They are all doing their best to care for their kids and get themselves back on their feet. The biggest goals of the program are a job within the first week and sustainable housing within three months. Thank you for a being a part of their success!

Sign up now! This is our informal spreadsheet just for the weeks our church is hosting. Please indicate when you might be able to volunteer as soon as possible. Or save a whole evening for your lifegroup!


Important Dates:

Sunday July 28th @ 8:00am - FFH Volunteer Training at the Crossing building

Sunday August 11-18th —Our second HOST WEEK!

Please make it a priority to attend one of the FFH Volunteer Trainings! It is required for any new volunteers, and recommended yearly for repeat volunteers. Please contact us if these times do not work, and we can make other plans as needed.


Volunteer Role Descriptions and Checksheets:


Please Pray for Us:

  • Pray that our hearts would be soft and reflective of our Servant King.

  • Pray that God would draw these guest families to Himself, that He would use our frail and flawed efforts to shine His light and love into their lives, and that He would provide for their needs in this time of crisis.

  • Pray that we would have adequate volunteers to care well for these families during their time in our building. Pray for health and safety of all during our host week.


Other Resources for FFH Volunteers:

Our informal Sign Up Spreadsheet - Please indicate when you might be able to volunteer as soon as possible. Or save a whole evening for your lifegroup!

The FFH official Sign Up Genius website - Note: Be sure to scroll down to the dates of our host week to see our volunteer slots!

Trauma Informed Care Video by Jodi and Sydney

FFH Condensed Volunteer Rules

Food Safety Policy

Fire Safety Plan

FFH Manual

Bus Route Information - Transfort website with bus schedules. Route 6 passes the church westbound only on Horsetooth Mon-Sat 6:15am-7:15pm. Route 19 passes the church north and south along Shields. It runs Mon-Fri 6:50am-6:50pm. Route 11 is currently suspended, but free taxis along route can be arranged.

Map of the Church Building

Golden Rules Poster

Kids Rules Poster

Printable PDF files: If you need a pdf file for any of the volunteer roles, please contact Katie with the form below and she would be happy to supply it!


Contact the Coordinators:

Katie and Matt Drees, Melinda and Jac Crenshaw, Nicole and Nate Brown